Ramesu Society International, Inc.
The 16 Paramount Kingdoms of Ra
The African Heritage Rites Of Passage Systems
History, Culture, Heritage, and Purpose
The Rites of Discovery Academies and the African Heritage Rites Of Passage TM Systems are a set of sophisticated, intense, all-encompassing processes and ceremonies for the adulthood training of youth of African descent. These systems contain basic and advanced training sessions, induction and initiation sequences, traditional education classes, Rites of Discovery workshops, and Human Development Programs. Youth are trained and challenged physically, mentally, cognitively, socially, religiously, spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, economically, and culturally to become the Global Leaders, Nation Builders, and Elders of tomorrow. The outcomes of these systems are young males transforming into dynamic men, and young females transforming into dynamic women.
The African Heritage Rites Of Passage TM Systems are traced directly to Africa earlier than 6,000 BCE and have existed among ancient Global Black civilizations since the dawn of time, and among the Atlantic African and American/"New World" Black societies long before, during, and after the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. The systems increase the self-esteem and maximize the self-reliance in our youth, and directly reduce violent, truant, and delinquent behaviors. ROAD workshops include trainings in Respect/Responsibility, Order, Authority, and Discipline.
Accept no pale imitations of our Authentic African and Black Heritage Traditions.
Rites of Passage (Adolescents into Young Adulthood)
The Ramesu Society International, Inc. trains and educates general public and community members to become the pillars of society, and to become the nation builders of their neighborhoods. And as such, the training and education regimen involves scheduled and designed tasks, trials, and community volunteerism of participants in order to help each of them to display and master the following skills sets (truncated):
01) Generosity - manifesting as being just, balanced, holistic, optimistic, liberal, and having a good moral sense;
02) Discipline - manifesting as the control of thoughts, control of actions, ability to maintain focus on goals and purpose;
03) Patience - manifesting as the steadfastness of one’s desires into a commitment and conviction;
04) Courage - manifesting as the lack of fear of bodily harm; being energetic, prudent, forceful, enterprising, and skillful;
05) Insight - evidence of a call to a spiritual order; Evidence of a spiritual mission and personally religious destiny;
06) Wisdom - using ritual systems and observances to attain divine guidance and understand teachings by the priesthood;
07) Skills - engaging survival training, trades, technology, economics, the art of leadership, and science of citizenship;
08) Humility - engaging the most ardent trials and tribulations to prove worth for membership and service in the Society;
09) Vitality - cultivating the Life Force in cycles via health (body, mind, spirit), Divine Laws, and a vegetarian diet;
10) Enlightenment - using one’s identity to discover the True Self with confidence in one’s own learning abilities;
11) Initiation into the Mysteries - Segregation from non-initiates; Retreat from normal environment to a sacred place; Life in common among students/disciples/masters/priests; Separation from home and complementary gender; Renunciation of all the walls the old existence; Ritual hairstyles, exercises, prayers, iconography, and austerities to awaken Spiritual abilities; Contemporary and traditional African clothes to recall the first people/aboriginal African peoples; Baptisms for purification (fire, water, earth, air, ether); Tests of audacity, courage, fasting, physical challenges, and scarification; Sacred Language(s); and Spiritually empowered, sacred new names (Nia Damali, Asa Hilliard).
Completion Sequences for Youth Ritual Systems
The Rites Of Passage Systems are organized ceremonies, rites, activities, events, programs, trips, and advanced trainings for youth (males and females) ages 10 to 13 years of age (Pubescent), and ages 14 to 18 years of age (Adolescent). Youth become congregated into a Nexus (generational link) according to age, and then according to gender (male or female). The mores, ethics, culture, manhood wisdoms (males), womanhood wisdoms (females), jobs and career training skills are imparted to those who will become adult members of the Ramesu Society International. Status changes are instant once the 18 month systems are completed. The status change includes new roles and responsibilities for the age-grades, and each individual youth. After completion of all requirements, the successful participants will reflect the following eight (8) standard traits and attributes in all aspects of their daily lives:
01) Quality of Leadership;
02) Understanding of Organizational Structures;
03) Self-Deployed Management Styles and Systems;
04) Volunteer Supports Towards General Public Services;
05) Professional Role Modeling To Community Youth and Children;
06) Quality of Life Services and Observances;
07) Quality of Life Improvement(s); and
08) Supports for the General Public in various Neighborhoods.
Members Should Contact Us At
The Ramesu.Society@gmail.com to get more information on the African Heritage Rites Of Passage Systems for their families.